Education Through Film Workshop

The Education through Film Workshop is dedicated to secondary school teachers, formal and informal educators, representatives of the NGO environment, who can use the film in their profession as an educational method.

The workshop is organized within the project “See you at the cinema?! – The role of arthouse cinemas and film festivals in the age of online platforms”, funded by EEA and Norwegian Grants.

The workshop will try to answer the question “How can we use film to learn about school subjects and things that impact our lives?” and will include a series of topics and useful tools, such as:

  • Bergen International Film Festival Program of Education through Film – model of work, collaboration with schools and cinemas;
  • Advantages and challenges of the program, different approaches;
  • Sample workshops and curriculum resources;
  • How do we connect the film with the theme and what materials can we develop based on it;
  • Local film education programs.

The workshop will be delivered by Donia Lina Nilsen and Håkon Tveit, experts within the Education through Film program of Bergen International Film Festival (Norway), a program which managed to include over 100,000 students in the past 20 years.

The workshop will be in English, but simultaneous translation will be provided throughout the event.

Workshop duration: April 24 – 27, 4-7 p.m.

Location: The Projects’ Center, Vasile Alecsandri Street, No. 1, Timisoara


The workshop is free of charge, but registration is MANDATORY by filling out the online form available at this link.

Deadline for registrations: 13.04.2023

Maximum number of participants: 15


Workshop participants will be given a certificate of participation.


Communication partner:


Granturile SEE și norvegiene reprezintă contribuția Islandei, Principatului Liechtenstein și Norvegiei pentru o Europă verde, competitivă și incluzivă. Sunt două obiective generale: reducerea disparităților economice și sociale în Europa și consolidarea relațiilor bilaterale între statele donatoare și 15 state UE din centrul și sudul Europei și statele baltice. Cele trei state donatoare cooperează îndeaproape cu UE în baza Acordului privind Spațiul Economic European (SEE). Între 1994 și 2014, statele donatoare au contribuit cu €3,3 miliarde prin scheme consecutive de grant. Pentru perioada 2014-2021, Granturile SEE și norvegiene se ridică la €2,8 miliarde. Mai multe detalii sunt disponibile pe: și