by The Producers | Jul 25, 2018 | Episode 5
The Bulgarian film „3/4”, made by the young director Ilian Metev, was selected by the jury as the winner of „Răzvan Georgescu” award for the best film in competition at the fifth edition of the festival Ceau, Cinema!, which took place during July 19th – 22nd in...
by The Producers | Jul 3, 2018 | Episode 5
„Povestea unui pierde-vară” (”The Story of a Summer Lover”), directed by Paul Negoescu and staring Alexandru Papadopol in the leading role, will be released at Timișoara in the opening night of Ceau, Cinema! Festival. The audience will also have the opportunity to...
by The Producers | Jun 25, 2018 | Episode 5
Six films made by directors from Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy, Poland, Slovakia and Ukraine have been selected in the competition of the fifth edition of Ceau, Cinema! Festival, which will take place during July 19th-22nd in Timişoara and Gottlob. Five of the six films...
by The Producers | Jun 13, 2018 | Episode 5
Andrei Ujică, one of the most appreciated representatives of the world’s New Non-Fictional Cinema, will be paid homage and reviewed at the fifth edition of Ceau Cinema! Festival, which will take place during July 19th – 22nd in Timișoara and Gottlob. The director will...
by The Producers | May 21, 2018 | Ceau Cinema, Episode 5
The Trophy of the Ceau, Cinema! Festival Competition from Timișoara will be dedicated, as from this year, to the memory of the late director Răzvan Georgescu. Starting with the fifth edition of the festival, the award for the best film will be named the Ceau, Cinema!...